The Princes of Hastinapur : Mahabharata Stories | OM BOOKS INTERNATIONAL

Authors Name Subhadra Sen Gupta
ISBN 13 9789385252198
Publisher Om Books International
Pages 16
Language English
Publishing Year 2020

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After King Shantanu’s death, his son Vichitravirya became king but he died young. Bhishma, his brother,brought up his sons Dhritarashtra and Pandu. Even though Dhritarashtra was the first-born and heir to the throne, he could not be crowned king as he was born blind. So when Pandu grew up, he began to rule Hastinapur with his two queens, Kunti and Madri. Pandu had five sons called the Pandavas and Dhritarashtra and his wife Gandhari had a hundred sons called the Kauravas. Did all the princes of Hastinapur grow up to be great warriors like their forefathers?
6 to 8 Years
Additional information
Weight 143 g
Dimensions 27.5 × 25 cm
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      The Princes of Hastinapur : Mahabharata Stories | OM BOOKS INTERNATIONAL